

Here are the top 5 Nigerian natural hair personality you should follow. This post will include "old" naturalistas and "new" naturalistas. I call them "old" naturalista because these are the people that started the natural hair campaign and have had their natural hair for over 10 years. I remember when I started my hair journey,  lushstrands.blogspot  and  igbocurls  were my role models, however, they were not based in Nigeria, therefore I found it difficult to get the products they were using and even if I found those products, they were expensive for my budget. If you are a new naturalista and you need to get inspiration from fellow naturalistas, check out the list below. OLD NATURALISTA Lushstrand : She grew her relaxed hair to tail bone length. She started growing her relaxed hair in 2009 and in 2014 she had her big chop, joining the natural community. She was one of the first Nigerian to start publicizing long hair. She has 4b hair type.


This is an article about my salon apprenticeship experience in Nigeria. It is going to be in parts and I don't know how many parts it is going to be, just relax and enjoy my story. I have always wanted to know how to make hair, basically, because I keep a natural hair and if you are a  naturalista you would know that it is essential but not compulsory to know how to make the basic type of hairstyles such as cornrows  (weaven), inverted cornrows (didi), mini twist (twisting) and the likes. To comfortably protect your hair in protective styles, it is essential to know these basic hairstyles. Most hairstylists in Nigeria do not have an in-depth knowledge of the natural hair, so when you take your hair to them they handle it as they like. They even handle the weaves (wigs) better than your natural hair. I wanted to learn how to make hair to avoid going to the salon every now and then when I need a simple protective style. To learn it fast and quick, plus for me to b

How to Grow Aloe Vera in your Home.

Aloooe!!!! Aloe vera plant is mainly grown for its medicinal and decorative purposes. Whether you are using it to clear sunburn or to have fresh and smooth skin or to moisturize your hair; usage and application method is easy and quick.  In addition to adding beauty to your environment, the aloe vera plant is easy to maintain. Aloe vera always looks beautiful in pots, adding a tropical feel to your home. This makes it important to plant an aloe vera around your house. It grows well indoors or outdoors, in a container or on the ground. You might have bought your aloe vera plant but not sure how to plant this succulent plant in your home. This article is an easy step-by-step guide on how to plant aloe vera and other information about the plant. What you need to plant Aloe vera Aloe vera:  Of course, the number one thing you would need to plant an aloe vera is aloe vera itself. You could get an aloe vera leaf or plant containing roots. The latter is preferred.


Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. So today after I got home from the office this morning, I slept for about 3 hours (I love to sleep), I woke up and decided to plant my aloe vera. Planting aloe vera is very easy, the plant requires low maintenance and grows fast; shooting out new leafs every now and then. I can't begin to tell you the importance of aloe vera to the skin, hair and health in general. Read some benefits here . WHY I PLANTED ALOE VERA I was in search of aloe vera in the community where I live and I couldn't find any.  I want to the main market I still couldn't find any, so decided to wait for the market day. The market day came and I went in search for aloe vera, I kept asking the market women if they knew where I could find aloe vera and they kept directing me to go deep inside the market. (Like we would say in Nigeria inside inside). Mind you, I went with a friend of mine and we already bought foodstuffs so we were carrying this heavy ba


It is Tuesday 16th of June 2020 and this is my second official post after the  welcome post . If you are here again, I want to say thank you. As at when I was writing this post it was 8:25 pm and I am sleeping over in the office. I am currently in the office and I am going to be sleeping over. Sleeping over in the office is not a new thing to me. Yes, I am a PhD student in one of the top 10 universities in Nigeria and I carry out my research in one of the international institutes in Nigeria. I am a plant biotechnologist and agriculture is my niche. So I am in the institute now and in the student office. I usually like to sleepover in the office because there is 24-hour light and free wi-fi. Who wouldn't love that! I stay back to do some work, browse and surf the internet, learn a new skill and carry out my freelancer jobs. My freelancer journey will be a story for another day.  Tomorrow is going to be a little bit of a free day for me because I will be working in my s


HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!! Hi dearies, Welcome once again to my blog, I am happy you are here. If you intentionally or somehow found my blog I just want t say thank you for visiting this blog. CONTENTS I am basically going to be using this blog as a diary where I will write my life experiences, how I react to things, everything everything. Contents on this blog will include; my journey as a student,  food, makeup,  trainings that I am undergoing, just everything about me and what I think about.  So if you are interested you are welcome to join me. One interesting thing about me is that I do not have a Twitter or Instagram account, weird right? but that's me for you. I also want to tell you that I would love to remain anonymous not for any reason but the fact that I am a very shy person and I kinda like my privacy. I promise you shot blog post because I don't like long blog post myself. Please visit this blog regularly. Thank you.